
Online investigation Order Form

Please read carefully.

In order that we may serve you in the most efficient way possible, please take a few minutes to complete the online investigation order form.

In the event that you do not have the requested information – or if the field does not apply to the investigation you are ordering – please type N/A in the box.

We thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Please do not hesitate to email us on our contact form HERE if you have any questions or concerns with this form.


Please fill out all information in the boxes below. Once you submit the form, we will get back to you within 48 hours.

    Please check the type of investigation required:
    Asset SearchBackgroundCheating SpouseChild Support/CustodyCriminal HistoryFraud/TheftIdentity TheftJudgement RecoveryLocate/Skip TraceMissing PersonsPublic Records RetrievalDivorceSurveillanceTelephone IDCivil RecordsMotor VehicleProperty RecordsServe WarrantBug SweepRemote Covert CameraComputer AnalysisTrash RetrievalDocument RetrievalSemen TestAlcohol/Drug AbusePaternityEmploymentCohabitationPost DivorceCell PhoneForensics Drone CameraMedical MalpracticePersonal InjuryOther

    Please Explain Your Situation And Specific Objective. There is no such thing as too much information.

    Secondary Subject Information
    Is there another person who will be investigated?

    I agree that the above services will be provided for a fee. All information given is correct to my knowledge. I understand that this form is a preliminary request for services.
    Do you have information or images to send Rosetta Investigations? Please submit them below:

    Rosetta Investigations warrants to Client that Amy Drescher is duly licensed, as required by law, to perform investigative and related services. All investigative findings are furnished to Client are for Client’s own use.

    Rosetta Investigations will keep findings strictly confidential and will not disseminate or release any findings to third parties unless authorized by the Client, or as ordered by a court.

    *Please be certain that your emil is not accessible to anyone but you.